Missions: Local Disciple-Making

Apartment Ministry:

*  Azalae Ridge in Walls, MS

If you would like to be a part of practically showing God’s love through meeting needs and sharing the Gospel to the residents of this apartment complex in Walls, please contact Jeff at jsummers@trinitysouthaven.org or Ron Pearson at sanjuanron@hotmail.com.  Ron and his wife have started a bible study for children.   We are looking to begin an adult bible study soon.  However, we will need people who are willing to do singular events (like a fall festival) and other ongoing ministries, such as, tutoring.

We will be hosting a:

Halloween Apt Party at Azalae Ridge Apts in Walls on Saturday, October 27 from 3 pm – 6 pm.  Need volunteers; candy; games; and people who will intentionally connect with families.  If you are interested please email Jeff Summers or Ron Pearson. 

School Ministry:

Greenbrook Elementary School, Southaven, MS

We have adopted Greenbrook with the goal of ministering primarily to the teachers and faculty in addition to the needs of the students.  Greenbrook is a Title IV school, which means that there are a substantial number of children and families who have financial needs.  If you would like to participate in this ministry, please contact Jeff Summers or Judith Theirfelder at drandmrst@gmail.com.

Neighborhood Impact:

Halloween, Oct 27, 31

We are encouraging as many families or a partner with other families within our church to host a block party in their neighborhoods during Halloween in order to make connections with their neighbors for the sake of the Gospel.  The church will provide candy, food items, and other resources to help you facilitate this opportunity to when our neighbors are walking up and down our streets and knocking on doors.  This is an opportunity to be intentional with our practical ministry to our neighbors and make connections.

There are two trainings to choose from:

  • Wednesday, October 3 at 5 pm. Dinner provided. OR
  • Sunday, October 7 immediately following the Am worship. Lunch is provided.
  • Both trainings are necessary for those hosting a block party.
  • Both trainings will be located in the Multi-purpose room in the Gym Lobby.

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