Archive | October, 2013

Mission Spotlight: Spiritual Orphans in the Shadow of our Church

22 Oct

1375013_645055388858315_2121270787_n[1]Patrick and Hazel and their son Roderick have been members of Trinity for about four years. They are a precious family who have a passion for the gospel and investing in young men and women.  As you will learn, they have distinguished themselves in their leadership and faithfulness in ministry through Y-MOT and in our church family.  I encourage you to get involved in this ministry in some way.

They have a Young Men’s Fellowship on Monday’s from 4:30 – 6:15 in which you can volunteer to bring healthy snacks, interact with the youth, and/or speak about your story of your faith and help them prepare for adulthood.  But there are many ways you can be involved.  These young men and young women are spiritual orphans and they need us to step up to invest ourselves and the gospel in their lives. In fact, we have a higher calling than just meeting a great need.  We are commanded by our Lord Jesus to “not hinder” them from coming to Him  (Matthew 10:13-16).  You don’t have to travel far to make disciples…just a few miles past the state line.  ~ Jeff


In 1996 Patrick and Hazel Simmons began reaching out to children and their families in the Whitehaven low-income housing neighborhoods through a partnership with Urban Youth Initiative. Their target population: youth ages 6-16 years of age in under-resourced areas that attend low performing schools. With 75% of the families below the poverty level, over 80% of the children below their grade reading level, and youth making pivotal decisions every day that will impact the rest of their life, Y-MOT is vital to this community. Y-MOT’s goal of reaching this population has met its purpose with many participants joining churches, showing academic and behavioral improvements and living healthier lifestyles. In May of 2007, Y-MOT was incorporated as a 501(c) 3 non-profit charitable organization. The Simmons faithfully manage the gifts, talents and resources that make a difference in the lives of at-risk youth on a daily basis. With programs in place to empower the youth participants spiritually, mentally, and physically, Y-MOT promotes health and wellness that will develop and last a life time.



This weekly tutoring program encourages and empowers at-risk youth to use good study habits with a focus on reading, spelling, and math skills. This program improves the students’ self-esteem and confidence which in turn improves their academic skills and lowers their chances of dropping out of school.


This weekly character development program teaches at-risk youth the benefits of making right choices. These sessions help to develop leadership skills as well as provide guidance, support and encouragement in an effort to establish competence and character in the youth. By improving character this will help to curve disruptive, violent behavior, lower drug/alcohol use and teen pregnancy.


This weekly exercise program teaches the participants the importance of healthy eating habits and offers instruction on proper exercise techniques. With the purpose of promoting good health, Y-MOT gets the students moving with a variety of activities including basketball, tennis, and 5K training. The focus of this program is to help reduce childhood obesity, build and maintain a healthy body, reduce depression and anxiety, and raise self-esteem.


In April of this year Y-MOT purchased 6.2 acres in the heart of the community that they have been faithfully serving for the past 17 years.  This is a huge blessing and great opportunity to be closer to the youth and families they serve in the 38109 zip code. Phase I has been completed with the purchase of the property.  It was used right away to feed healthy snacks and lunches to the youth ages 5-17 during the summer months in partnership with the City of Memphis Summer Food Program. Without this effort by Y-MOT to serve the community, most of the children would not have the meals needed each day. Phase II is Y-MOT’s next campaign. The goal is to raise $10,000 to help clear the 2nd and 3rd parcels of the property. This will be followed by Phase III of paving a walking/running trail around the property for use by the residents of the community.


There are several ways to get involved with this ministry.

  1. Donate. Go to to make a one-time gift or set up monthly giving. Your donations help ensure Y-MOT’s weekly programing continues.
  2. Volunteer. Y-MOT needs volunteers at their weekly programs to ensure that each at-risk youth has the proper attention and instruction they need to succeed.
  3. Snacks. Provide bottled water and healthy snacks. Y-MOT wants to provide healthy snacks to at-risk youth which ensure proper nutrition in their daily lives.

If you would like further information about Y-MOT and how to get involved, please contact Patrick Simmons at


P.O. BOX 901373
Office: 866-685-9668  Fax: 866-685-9668

On Facebook like YMOT INC

Mission Spotlight: The Savages in Ecuador

15 Oct

Our Arms Around the World Missions giving is our way of saying we support missions through our treasure.  We cannot do missions without giving.  It does not matter if the missions opportunity is in Memphis or the farthest corner of the world. So, thank you for giving and continue to be faithful in giving.  The following blog is from a family we help support, Brad and Kim Savage. As you read, please remember that your giving allows this to happen.

brad-and-kim-savage[1]Who are we?  We are the Savage family. Brad and Kim Savage

Kim and I have been married 17 years.  We have four children: Alayna (15), Carolyn (12), Kyle (10), and Gray (3).

Though we originally come from Warner Robins, Georgia we have lived in Memphis, TN for the past 14 years.  We have lived in Ecuador for a year and a half, and are learning to communicate in Spanish fluently.

Where are we?

Ecuador is in South America, and has a population of around 14 and a half million people.  The national language is Spanish; however, more than half the population also speaks Quichua.  Geographically the country is divided into the Coastal region, the Andes (mountains), and the Selva (the Amazon jungle basin).

About 90% of the Ecuadorian people are Catholic; however, they often mix their traditional (pagan) religious practices from their ancestors with those practiced by Catholics Church.  Charismatics make up the majority of the non-Catholic people, but growing rapidly are cults such as the Mormons and the Jehovah’s Witnesses.  Still another growing segment are those who claim to be atheist or non-religious, many young adults and teens hold to this belief.  Very small percentages of the people are biblically literate and/or have a solid biblical worldview.

What are we doing?

We work with an organization called Reaching and Teaching International Ministries (RTIM).  Whose founder and president Dr. David Sills is a missions professor at Southern Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY.

Right now we help train indigenous pastors in the Cañar providence of Ecuador.  There are about twenty pastors from three different providences (what we would call a state) coming from hundreds of miles. The RTIM program is a three-year program that helps prepare the indigenous pastors in sound biblical doctrine and theology.  Thus, preparing them to better reach and teach their own communities and churches.  Other opportunities are currently developing to train another group of pastors in another providence, as the Lord leads and provides we will be helping train them as well.

Aside from pastoral training we are beginning to have more opportunities to teach God’s Word to lay leaders, lay people, as well as non-believers.  One such example is Kim is participating in a bible study at the local women’s prison in Cuenca.  Another example is this past summer we were able to help in several VBS’s conducted through RTIM in several communities.  As a result of some of these VBS’s God opened up the opportunity to share with some of their parents as well.

As God continues to grow our language abilities we hope to further our work by adding evangelistic programs such as ESL, open air preaching – evangelism, and in home bible studies to name a few.

Our goal is not to rapidly add or multiply converts or churches, but rather to faithfully proclaim Christ fully teaching the Word of God in order that our disciples will make disciples who make disciples who faithfully teach God’s Word.  As a result we know GOD is faithful to call the lost to Himself, strengthen His church, and start new churches in His timing.

Therefore, we are ambassadors of Christ, God making his appeal through us.  We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”  – 2 Corinthians 5:20

Thank You for Your Prayers & Support!

Contact Information:

(901) 405-4747

Mission Spotlight: How one group of ladies does their part.

8 Oct

There is a line in a song that goes something like this, “Little is much when God is in it,” and it reminds me of the little boy with the fish and loaves giving the little he had to Jesus, who then multiplied it to feed thousands.  You may not think you have a lot to give, but when you give trusting in the promises of the Lord that he will reward those who seek Him (Hebrews 11:6), then He blesses and multiplies your gift of faith.  God calls us to be givers, just like Him.  Give of your time, your talents, and your treasure.

Our time, talents, and treasure are little, but “little is much when God is in it.”


The following blog is by Glenda McLearen. She shares how her class is doing their part to trust in God through serving and giving. The question then is: “What about me? Am I doing my part and trusting it in the hands of our Savior and multiplier?”

About 5 years ago, Trinity Baptist Women’s Ministry had our fall ladies presentation dinner. During this event, we had a special fundraiser using baby bottles to collect change.  The proceeds went to the Care Pregnancy Center which is located in Southaven on Stateline Road.  This community service program is funded soley by churches and donations from the community.  It has only two staff people but uses volunteers to sort donations and work at the center.  The Care Pregnancy Center is pro-life and provides support, counseling, training and gives baby supplies to pregnant mothers in our community.   Through this ministry, they are able to share the gospel and minister the love of Christ, and show how precious life is.  They promote healthy pregnancies and provide support.   It was at the TBC ladies event that about $1500 was raised by collecting change in the baby bottles.

Our ladies class,  Erma Hudson’s BFG, decided as  a group we would continue to support this ministry.  We have a baby bottle that is passed around each Sunday along with our BFG donation basket and whatever money is put into the baby bottle is given to the Care Pregnancy Center. At times it is change, and at other times it is $5 – $20 is in the bottle.   Over the past 5 years our class has donated about $150-$200 a year to this organization.  You may not think that is not much,  but if you talk to the ladies at the Care Pregnancy Center, it is a gift from the Father to help them help others.

They need volunteers to help sort donated baby clothes and other items like high chairs, car seats, strollers, etc.   Anything a new baby may need is accepted,  new, and used alike.   However, money is always used the further the Lord’s command to reach others and tell them about Him.

Glenda McLearen

Mission Spotlight: A Life-Saving Station…literally

1 Oct

Care Center

Perhaps when you have written an email you have been offered a choice whether to save or not save a draft of the message. Women and men in the DeSoto County area face a much tougher choice each day – whether to save or not save a child who is the result of an unintended pregnancy.

Care Pregnancy Resource Center in Southaven offers parents support during every phase of pregnancy and infancy- from pregnancy tests and ultrasounds to classes in pre-natal care, childbirth, and parenting. Care Center also offers counseling services, assistance with meeting material needs, and adoption referrals.

Since 2007, thousands of parents have looked to Care Center for help and been told of the love and hope only Christ can provide. Because of that, nearly 2000 babies have been saved from abortion. Care Center asks for you aid to continue sharing the message of Christ, helping those in need, and saving God’s precious children.

Just in 2012 alone, there have been 360 people counseled against abortion, 61 post-abortive counseling, 2037 counseling sessions, 13 adoptive referrals, and 437 babies saved.

There are many ways you can help serve at Care Center

A volunteer is greatly needed to work as a receptionist in the front office. Care Center has had to close on Mondays due to a shortage of volunteers in this area.

A licensed nurse is needed to volunteer one afternoon a week.

Care Center is expanding their facility and volunteers are needed to move and sort items. The move is scheduled for mid- October.

Parenting and childbirth classes are in need of contributions for light lunches and snacks.

Someone to coordinate a diaper shower is needed. Sizes 3/4/5 are in short supply, as are motel-size toiletries.

There is a continuing need for maintenance work and fundraising.


Care Center
1277 Main Street (Stateline Rd)
Southaven, MS 38671