Archive | March, 2012

Have You Bought a Lottery Ticket, Yet?

30 Mar
It is oh so tempting to play the lottery. I called my father-n-law and we joked about buying lottery tickets. We had a good laugh at trying to contrive a good reason that would be acceptable to our consciences in light of our relationship with the Lord.  It is fun to think about what one can do with all that money; all the good things one could do! I would pay off all our mortgage and debt. I thought of the friends I have met on the mission field that I could remove their financial needs for ministry for years to come.  I could help fund our missions budget for our church so that we can do so much more, and send more across the globe.
It is fun to dream…but as I ponder my dreams and desires AND read John Piper’s blog (see below) God convicted my heart.  You see, God is not limited by what I can give or do.  He owns it all anyway. His plans will not be achieved or thwarted by what I do or don’t do.
The truth of the matter is this: the Lord has provided all the resources we need to make His Name known. How? Through His people; His church! Yet, many believers give less than 2% of their income to the church and her mission.  As noted in the blog below, people under the poverty level are spending 9% of their income on the lottery!  A tithe is 10%. And we wonder why our missions budget is not sufficient. We wonder why missionaries and church planters throughout the world struggle to do so much with so little, and the vast majority of believers around the world struggle to simply sustain their families. We wonder why children starve in Africa, and in other third world countries.
Why doesn’t God do something about this? He has! He has chosen and appointed each believer to be salt and light; to give as God has given to us.  2 Cor. 8 states that Jesus “though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.”  He left the glories of heaven as King to become a poor servant to us, so that we might be adopted and have the inheritance reserved in heaven for us. Have you ever thought that one reason that God has blessed us in America with so much is to give to meet the needs of others and not squander it on lottery tickets and ______________ you fill in the blank with whatever we spend our money on.
As I try to reason all the good I could do with the lottery, I am reminded that God ordains the means as well. Just because I may win the lottery and do so much good, how many poor people am I, by my participation, taking advantage of.  You see, God ordains the means. The way He has chosen to fund ministry and missions is through our work and our sacrifice.
I am reminded how much we, as a family, waste on ourselves.  I am reminded of how little I trust my Father to provide for me as He calls me to give sacrificially. Lord, help me!

The Mega Millions Lottery Is a Suicidal Craze

by John Piper | March 30, 2012


Tonight a ticket will be chosen worth over half a billion dollars. Lottery agents in New York were selling 1.3 million Mega Millions tickets per hour Thursday.

Officials were expecting to sell about 1.2 billion tickets total before the drawing.

“Americans spend about $60 billion on the lottery every year,” says Stephen Dubner, co-author of “Freakonomics.” “More than $500 per American household goes to playing the lottery.” (CBS This Morning)

There are at least seven reasons you should not gamble with your money in this way — and should tell your congressmen not to support it.

1. It is spiritually suicidal.

“Those who desire to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men into ruin and destruction. . . They have pierced themselves with many a pang” (1 Timothy 6:7–10).

2. It is a kind of embezzlement.

Manager’s don’t gamble with their Master’s money. All you have belongs to God. All of it. Faithful trustees may not gamble with a trust fund. They have no right. The parable of the talents says Jesus will take account of how we handled his money. “They went and worked” (Matthew 25:16). That is how we seek to provide for ourselves (1 Corinthians 4:121 Thessalonians 4:11Ephesians 4:28)

3. It’s a fool’s errand.

The odds of winning are nearly 176 million-to-one. You take real money and buy with it a chance. That chance is so infinitesimally small that the dollar is virtually lost. 175,999,999 times. The smaller amounts paid out more often are like a fog to keep you from seeing what is happening.

4. The system is built on the necessity of most people losing.

The Lottery is just another form of gambling (without any of the glamour and glitz of Las Vegas, of course). The “house:” controls the action, the players will all eventually lose. International Business Times

5. It preys on the poor.

It supports and encourages “yet another corrosive addiction that preys upon the greed and hopeless dreams of those trapped in poverty. . . The Consumerist suggested that poor people in the U.S. — those earning $13,000 or less — spend an astounding 9 percent of their income on lottery tickets. . . making this ‘harmless’ game a ‘deeply regressive tax.’”

6. There is a better alternative.

A survey by Opinion Research Corporation for the Consumer Federation of America and the Financial Planning Association, revealed that one-fifth (21 percent) of people surveyed thought the lottery was a practical way to accumulate wealth. We are teaching people to be fools.

If the $500 dollars a year that on average all American households throw away on the lottery (see above) were invested in an index fund each year for 20 years, each family would have $24,000. Not maybe. Really. And the taxes on these earnings would not only support government services, but would be built on sound and sustainable habits of economic life.

7. For the sake of quick money, government is undermining the virtue without which it cannot survive.

“A government that raises money by encouraging and exploiting the weaknesses of its citizens escapes that democratic mechanism of accountability. As important, state-sponsored gambling undercuts the civic virtue upon which democratic governance depends” (First Things, Sept., 1991, 12).

So, if you win, don’t tithe your lottery winnings to our church. Christ does not build his church on the backs of the poor. Pray that Christ’s people will be so satisfied in him that they will be freed from the greed that makes us crave to get rich.

7 Scripture Texts About Evangelism

19 Mar
Our team just returned from our Honduras Mission trip this past Saturday night. I will be posting some updates about our trip, and how we saw the Lord work.  In the meanwhile, the following post is by Tim Challies and I thought very helpful in guiding our prayerlife.
  • Tim Challies
  • 03/19/12

I find it tremendously valuable to have my prayers guided by Scripture. As I pray about sharing the gospel with others, or as I pray for those who do not yet know the Lord, there are many passages from the Bible that can give focus and direction. Here are just a few of them.

1. There is work to be done

Matthew 9:37-38
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

2. Jesus has commanded you to do it

Matthew 28:18-20
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

3. Success is guaranteed

John 10:16
And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.

 4. Jesus is the only salvation

John 14:6
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

5. You were given the Holy Spirit for this purpose

Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.

6. People won’t be saved without hearing

Romans 10:11-15
How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”

7. Evangelism is necessary for your own growth in Christ

Philemon 6
And I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ.


Honduras Team Update Day 1

11 Mar

How we have already seen God working:

by Sandy Stevener

The issue: Our team was struggling with having too many bags because we had a lot of supplies and a lot of clothing that had been donated. We were each allowed one checked bag and we were struggling with getting all that we needed into those 13 bags. Even after many of us shared a suitcase so that we could use the other one for supplies, we still had two bags that we were going to have to pay for in order to get everything there. God’s answer: Because Bill and I fly a lot we occasionally get upgraded. Usually this happens at the last minute when the airline has filled all the coach seats and will move us up so they can sell more coach seats. This trip we got notified of our upgrade the day before we left (this has not happened before). The upgrade allowed us to take four more bags without paying for them! Even better: they could be over the 50 lb limit without penalty! So we were able to take all the supplies and clothes without paying for them. The issue: Due to some weather problems and the presidential visit to Houston, our flight was delayed by four hours and we were going to miss our connection to Honduras. If we missed our flight, the next flight with available seats was Monday. God’s answer: The airline had told us that they were aware of our situation and they were working on possibly holding the flight to Honduras for us (that almost never happens because the airlines get fined thousands of dollars if they do not meet their arrival and departure times). They told us they could hold the flight up to twenty minutes. We were too late. When we arrived in Houston it was thirty minutes past the scheduled departure time for our flight. When we landed we were informed that the flight was still there and we rushed through the airport in hopes of making the flight. When we got to the gate we heard that the crew that was scheduled to fly that plane went “illegal” (possibly too many flight hours, etc.). In all the flying that we do, we have never heard this before; they were trying to get another crew to fly the plane. They found a crew and we were off to Honduras. God delayed that flight long enough for us to make it and get to Honduras. How awesome is that? We are watching God pave the way for our trip, and as usual, we are in awe of His great power, and humbled that He would deem us worthy of carrying out His plans.

Please for our team this week: Mark, Denise, Hannah, Matt Kelso; Jeff, Zac, Cob Summers, Elizabeth Sheley, Ashley Crick, Jessica Farist, Chris Devereux, and Bill and Sandy Stevener,