Archive | October, 2011

Thought Provokers on How to Be On Mission This Halloween

28 Oct

There are at least seven families hosting a party in their front lawn this coming weekend with the purpose of intentionally building relationships for the sake of the Gospel. Please be in prayer for the following families: Leveretts, Gillos, Kings, Walkers, Morris’, Lenox’s, Akins’, Hodges’, Crowder’s, Lee’s, Dunlap’s, Conger’s. There are many others from our church who will be at home being salt and light to their neighbors.

The following is an excerpt from Jeff Vanderstelt with a few comments by me noted in BOLD and italicize font.

This coming Monday offers a great opportunity for many to engage in new relationships with those around us or to revisit some old relationships with new missional intentionality. Regardless of what you think of the holiday and it’s roots, the culture we have been sent by Jesus to reach is going to celebrate Halloween this Monday. We all have in front of us a wide open door for missionary engagement in our neighborhoods. I want to encourage you not to miss out on the opportunity.

If you are looking to be more intentionally engaged this year, I want to present you with a few ideas for how you can more effectively walk through the open door that Halloween presents to us as Jesus’ missionaries.

BE HOSPITABLE…Don’t just give out candy

  1. Give out the best Candy. Please, don’t give out tracks or toothbrushes or pennies…kids are looking for the master loot of candy. Put yourself in their shoes. (Give out good candy AND tracts along with your candy. This is just another way to share God’s Word, and you never know who in the family may read it.)
  2. Think of the Parents. Consider having some Hot Apple Cider and pumpkin bread or muffins out for the parents who are bringing their little kiddos around the block. Make your entry-way inviting so they want to come closer and hang for a bit if possible.
  3. Be Present. Don’t hide out all night. Come out to the door or hang out on the porch and if they stop to have some cider, get to know their names and where they live in the neighborhood.
  4. Be Encouraging. Tell the kids you love their costumes and to have a great night. Practice building others up with words.
  5. Party. If you’re really into it, you may want to throw a pre-Trick or Treating party. Provide dinner and drinks. Then, send the dads out trick or treating with the kids while the moms continue hanging with some hot apple cider, coffee or tea. Then reconvene with the parents and kids together to examine all of the loot (kids love to show their parents and other kids the loot).
  6. Learn the Stories. If you are out T or Ting with the kiddos or staying back with the other parents, ask questions…get to know their stories. Pay attention to their hearts and their felt needs. Look for opportunities to serve them later. This is how I first got to know Clay (while Jayne was hanging with Kristi and the other moms). I learned his story while we were with the kids and Jayne got to know hers. This led to both of them eventually coming to faith in Jesus.

GO TO THEIR PLACE…Join what is happening elsewhere

  1. Attend the Party. If others are throwing parties, you may want to join them. If so, bring drinks, food or whatever is needed. Then, serve by helping to clean up. (Remember that you are salt and light in regard to your words, actions, lifestyle for the Gospel. Some people may throw a party involving alchohol. We are to abstain from idolatry, and alcohol is one of the idols in our society.)
  2. Join the Community. If your community has key events, join them and invite some neighbors to go with you (then get to know their stories along the way). Our area has a trick or treating event on a main street where all the businesses give out candy, the firemen give tours of the fire engines, etc… We go with a group of friends to this each year and consistently meet more people to reach out to.

BE PRAYERFUL…Ask for the Spirit to led, guide and work

  1. Pay Attention. Ask the Spirit to open your eyes and ears to the real needs around you.
  2. Stay Dependent. Ask the Spirit to help you listen, care and serve those around you.
  3. Open Doors. Ask the Spirit for open doors for new relationships and gospel conversations

We are to be about making disciples wherever we are or wherever we go. Making disciples for Christ is a process that begins with building relationships and common ground with those who do not know Him, and is developed over time leading them to the cross of Christ where they have opportunity to be saved, and if so, continuing the discipleship process by teaching them the Word of God. Even if they refuse the offer, we still love and demonstrate God’s grace, as we pray through it all]

Making Disciples: Across the Street & Around the World

7 Oct

As followers of Jesus Christ, it is not an option for us to make disciples, we are given the command in the Great Commission.  And it is not simply the responsibility of the church, or of a missionary. It is each and every believer’s responsibility.  In other words, you can say: “It is MY responsibility!” 

So, how does this happen? How do I, as a disciple of Christ, make disciples of all nations?

On the weekend of Oct 21-23, you will have opportunity to gain a greater understanding, conviction, and know-how on how you can be personally involved in disciple-making starting across the street and reaching around the world!

Our Men’s Disciple-Making Conference on Oct 21-22 will kick off the weekend with Herb Hodges leading our men on a disciple-making strategy. This is not a “how to witness” training. Rather, Herb Hodges will be going to Scripture to show us what God’s plan is for making disciples. Men, you will not want to miss this weekend.

Cost is only $10.00. Please sign up by Oct 19.

Missions Conference is Sunday October 23

Dr. Harold Peasley, the director of Multi Ministries in South Africa, will be preaching at both the 10:30 am and 6 pm worship services.

At the 9 am Bible Study hour, we will have special breakout sessions specifically dealing with disciple-making in different contexts. You will have seven classes to choose from to attend. We will be collecting your choices on Sunday, Oct 9 and Oct 16.  Giving us your choices will help in planning. If you don’t get a chance to sign up for a class, come on, there will be room and you cannot go wrong with any of our classes.

We will also have 19 ministries represented on this day for you to gain information,  to see how they are making disciples, and possibly how you might be involved in one of these ministries. Or, to give you an idea on how you can make-disciples where you are!!

For more INFO on:

  • List of the Breakout Class Choices 
  • List of organizations
  • Schedule for Sunday, Oct 23
  • Please click on the Making Disciples Conference tab on this page.